Tuesday, October 29, 2019

CRJS420 U1IP Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

CRJS420 U1IP - Research Paper Example To his biggest surprise, my uncle found out that the driver of the vehicle was none other than his beloved father. For a moment he stood there dumbfounded as he contemplated what to do. This clearly is a situation that requires a lot of sobriety, honesty, integrity and morality while handling it. It is such a big dilemma and after my uncle narrated it to me I took myself in his boots. Going by the facts as they stood, I would have not hesitated to arrest my father. It is evidently clear in our legal justice system that a drunk driver is a threat not only to himself/herself but also to other road users. In addition to that, the oath of duty taken by police officers clearly stipulates service to all, and that a police officer should always act with courtesy, honesty as well as with regard for the welfare of other people. Clearly his father was on the wrong side of the law and needed to be apprehended, for the sake of justice. Some of the positive consequences of this decision would be maintenance of safety for other road users, prevention of potential deaths through road accidents and upholding of my morals as well as oath of office as a police office. Creation of bad blood between my father and I would be one of the negative consequences for my action of apprehending him. Based on my decision, the ethical theory that best describes this approach is deontology which basically argues that individuals ought to stick to their duties and obligations while doing an analysis touching on ethical dilemma. This basically implies that an individual will pursue his/her commitments to another person or society since upholding one’s obligation is what is regarded as being ethically correct. A deontologist will, for instance, always maintain the law (Douglas, 2014). Ethics mostly involves principles that are used to determine what behaviors are good, proper as well

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