Sunday, May 3, 2020

Quality Management for Organizational Excellence

Question: Discuss about the Quality Management for Organizational Excellence. Answer: Introduction: For the purpose of the study, the company chosen is General Motors. It is headquartered in Michigan, Detroit, United States. It was founded in September 6, 1908, The company operates in the global market and has a number of subsidiaries in the global market. General Motors has a distinct management team that look after its various business units. In this regard, it can be stated that, authority as well as responsibility of the team is de-regulated into the various business units that is working in many countries. The company mainly deals in the development of automobile cars. According to Drury (2013), the brand designs, manufactures as well as distributes vehicles as well as vehicle parts in the international market. The General Motors Company operates in around 37 countries and produces 12 brands (Goetsch and Davis 2014). The companys vision and missions is to retaining the existing market share in the global market and achieve distinct brand reputation. In addition, the business entity shall seek to retain the existing customer loyalty in the international market. Besides this, innovation has been the necessary criteria for the brand in the developing a positive consumer perception among the brand. General Motors has been consistently executing consistent business performances over a period of time. Therefore, the business enterprise has been the primary innovator in developing effective business designs for a period. According to Kaplan and Atkinson (2015), the vision as well as the mission of the company shall have to clearly stated which has assisted the business entity to execute the business functionalities as per the organization ethics as well as the long term goals and the objectives of the entity. Therefore, the organization has achieved considerable brand reputation in the national and the international market. Deegan (2013) mentioned that General Motors encompasses a wide range of production, operational and manufacturing policies. As such, the brand has a distinctive line as well as staff function. In this regard, it can be stated that the workforce engaged in General Motors perform a wide range of activities . According to Hiromoto, and Hiki (2015), the line function in the business organization shall relate to each step in the production process. This relates to the assembling of materials as well as executing the business functionalities in a particular place. Therefore, the management of a business entity has to take appropriate strategies in making the production process faster and cost effective. Being a manufacturing concern, the business entity has to develop appropriate business strategies in constantly monitoring the market changes. As such, the staff has been trained and is capable enough to develop innovative products for the buyers. Evaluating value chain of the company An innovative value chain has been used by General Motors to develop the operational policies of the business enterprise. These Include Enabling Vehicle Assembly and the Stamping operations in the business enterprise shall ensure the gathering of proper storage and materials for the business entity. As such, the other business functions are building corporate schedules as well as supplying materials in crisis situations. In the context of the value chain management other business functions are supplier capacity as well as crisis management and future business planning and support. The supply chain management shall also consist of logistics as well as cost estimates for newer product launches. Schalteggec and Zvezdo (2015) mentioned that the distribution policies for has been an essential part of the supply chain operations for the business entity. In this regard, it can be stated that the value chain operations in the context of the company has been developed because of intensive res earch and development activities. The brand has been manufacturing a range of vehicles for the business entity. Therefore, it is extremely necessary that the business entity has been able to adjust to the market requirements regarding the development of the market. According to Christensen et al.2014 the value chain system in the business organization has been effective in determining the marketing and the operational policies in the business organization. Planning A low cost business strategy is adopted for the development of the organizational policies of the business strategy. In this context, Babington et al. (2014) stated that the low -cost business strategy is adopted for the business entity in the development of the organization goals and objectives of the business entity. The business strategy that has been implemented in the business entity and have an impact on the operational strategy of the business entity. Kamala et al (2015) stated that the business entity has been successful in achieving business sustainability in the International market. It has e been able to maintain constant contact with the customers of the organization. e Besides this , the brand has been acquiring constant feedback from the management of the business organization . Therefore, it has been able to gather appropriate consumer feedback for the development of the organizational policies (Deegan 2013). The brand has been offering value for money for the customers and has been offering a wide range of products to the customers. For determining the manufacturing and the selling overhead, the total financial condition of the business entity has to be assessed. As such, it can be stated that General Motors has been able to develop the total budget of the organizations, which consists of the total expenditure that would be required in executing the business functionalities of the entity. Schmidt and Nakajima (2013) stated that the variable expenses of the organization shall also have to be re-innovated to develop the manufacturing and the selling strategies of the business entity. General Motors has been developing high - manufacturing operations. Therefore, the cost of goods sold in the existing market condition as well as the market changes and consumer preferences shall have to be considered as significant information in framing the market policies for the business entity. Controlling Process at General Motors: Role of process of controlling in monitoring the manufacturing plans: The primary role of controlling in the manufacturing processes is contributing towards increasing the levels of profit margin of the organization. Goetsch and Davis (2014) states that the controlling mechanism varies depending upon the scale of manufacturing activities. The manufacturing process undertaken at General Motors comprises of scaling processes, manufacturing and assemblage functions. Controlling process assists GM towards establishing tangible benchmarks in terms of level of production, the amount of wastage, the quantum of idle labour hours on the factory premises. Further, controlling functions aggravates the level of quality control in GM products through identifying and resolving issues pertaining to deviation of actual product with that of the planned products. Moreover, in terms of limiting the degree of manufacturing cost overruns the controlling function plays a pivotal role through standardizing the limits of overruns beyond which management action is sought. Implementation of balanced scorecard in the performance management of General Motors: Financial: The data driven processes in General Motors is required to be streamlined in order to mitigate the amount of financial misrepresentation. Moreover, dependence of managerial decision-making onto costing and internal managements in turn requires calibrating of finance decisions (Zhu, Sarkis and Lai, 2013). The company requires focusing upon gaining back its market shares from Toyota and Ford through introduction of newer sets of product line. Moreover, through diversification of its revenues from the manufacturing activities onto its financial services business the company will be able to capitalize upon its widespread presence in both developed and emerging markets around the globe. Customer: The numerous forms of products and services offered by General Motors propel them towards catering to large segments of consumers ( 2016). However, the company has to improvise upon streamlining the operational efficiency to provide products as per the consumers preferences. Moreover, the company also requires focusing upon the improving the customer feedback policies in order to alleviate consumer grievances. Further, General Motors should increase its levels of after sales services. Process: Manufacturing processes of the company entails large number of complex engineering works. Moreover, the complexities aggravate the probability of bottlenecks in the production mechanism. In terms its financial services, the company requires to take into consideration the exchange rate fluctuations and safeguards its corporate interests overseas. Moreover, the company requires coming up with consumer driven strategies that tends to decrease the degree of non-alignment. Learning and Growth: The adverse financial repercussions of the mortgage crisis upon both the automobile and financial services of General Motors have highlighted the necessity for better degree of market awareness. The incorporation of mentoring programs for its management trainees can help mitigate the prospective market risks that the company will be facing in the near future. Hoque (2014) rightly remarked that the growth processes pertaining to an organization remains highly contingent upon the adaptability and improvised learning procedures inculcated by the organization. Decision making The following two situations can be evaluated in the context of decision-making. Business segment General Motors has diverse business segments. Therefore, it is necessary for the business entity to monitor each business segment in terms of sales revenue, profitability and future prospects. Therefore, the decision to continue or drop a business segment shall depend on the financial prospects of that business segment in the coming years. As such, Smith and Smith (2014) stated that this could be achieved through evaluating the existing sales revenue of the entity and the response of the consumers towards the brand. Retaining or dropping a business segment shall also depend upon several other factors. These include the external market condition and the nature of the market competition. In the context of General motors,, A it is necessary for the business entity to determine the external market condition where the organization operates as well as the nature of the competition in the market . Domestic and Global Operations - In the case of a manufacturing organization, the business entity would have tp make pertinent decisions regarding its scale of operations Therefore Christensen et al.(2014) noted that the business organization should have to consolidate on its domestic operations before operating on a global scale. General Motors ranks among the leading automobile manufacturers in the US Market. As such, the business entity posses extensive market share in the country. Thus, the brand can consider implementing global manufacturing and distribution strategies. Webster (2016) noted that the business enterprise has relevant global operations that cater to consumers coming from different backgrounds and nationalities. Findings and recommendations It can be said that the business entity has been able to develop pertinent marketing and operating strategies in the global market. General Motors has developed extensive operational policies in the global scale and would have an influence on the business performance as well as the sales revenue of the entity. Therefore, the brand has a number of business segments. Therefore, it is necessary for the business enterprise to identify the least profitable business segments to make the necessary alterations in the business operating policies of the entity. However, a low cost business strategy is adopted so that consumers do not have to spend substantially. Therefore, reasonable price of the goods has been one of the important part of the operational strategies of the business enterprise that has developed a positive perception on the consumers. In addition, continuous innovation as well as the quality of customer services has been essential in executing consistent business performances o ver a period of time. The business entity has been concentrating only on manufacturing of automobiles. As such, it would be better if General Motors has been widening its range of products for the business entity. Besides this, the business enterprise would have to intensely study the in-depth details of the marketing condition in reacting in an appropriate manner. The General Motors company has implemented rigid monitoring system to ensure smoother business functionalities without any wastage of resources for the business. In addition, General Motors has been instrumental in making key business decision. These include retaining an existing business segment and executing the global business operations after the consolidation of the domestic market. References Bebbington, J., Unerman, J. and O'Dwyer, B., 2014.Sustainability accounting and accountability. Routledge. Christensen, T.E., Baker, R.E. and Cottrell, D.M., 2014.Advanced Financial Accounting. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Deegan, C., 2013.Financial accounting theory. McGraw-Hill Education Australia. 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