Sunday, November 3, 2019

Discussions questions-Managing Human Resources Essay

Discussions questions-Managing Human Resources - Essay Example The human resource department is extremely essential to an organisation; the presence of human resource function shows how the human capital is valued in the company (Pieper, 1990). Human resource capital is extremely essential to any company’s bottom-line, in a relative small business, or a middle tier company; employees usually carry out cross functional activities and hence, when one employee leaves this affects the whole company’s profitability and this leaves a massive gap to be filled. In situations where the company is experiencing capital short falls, or it’s forced to reduce the number of employees, the human resource function is the one that comes up with the method of reducing the number of employees. This is a form of budget control functions that the human resource function is responsible for the other include negotiating for a better pay, salary analysis, and in a small companies that have a limited budget this function is crucial. Give the diversit y of the workers in workplace; conflicts are inevitable, human resource employees in the organisation help in resolving these conflicts. This function assess the necessary skills of the organisation, when the skills that are required for the company are identified, human resource function trains the employees on the necessary skills. The employee satisfaction is one of the functions of HR; this function is responsible for employee motivation, morale and other necessary needs needed. These needs are needed for the smooth functioning of the company (Susan & Jackson, 2008). These human needs and the other employee benefits are crucial for employee satisfaction; in order to improve the performance of the company, these needs and other benefits are decisive of developing performance management skills, the human resource functions develop a plan with the employee, to set up targets and how they will be achieved. Human resource function is responsible for recruitment of employees, rewardin g the employees, and employee retentions in the organisation. Has affirmative action outlived its usefulness? Affirmative action was introduced to ensure that employed workers are treated fairly in their workplace. It was coined to make sure that employees are not mistreated in due regard of their race, gender, colour or origins. This action exists because there was the need to correct the past mistakes that took place in the companies. As long as these discriminations persists in the work place than affirmative action has not outlived its usefulness. Where there is discrimination in the recruitment of workers, training and the rewards schemes the company adopts, than an immediate action needs to be taken to change this behaviour. People should not face any form of discrimination; everyone deserves a fair chance of to access any opportunities that are available. In most societies, discrimination still exists, and people face unfair treatments (Resources, 2008). People of a certain t ribe, gender and colour, is required over others. The disadvantages groups that exist in this society should be given the similar opportunities as anyone else. Affirmative action is required to bring fair treatment to everyone in society (Pieper, 1990). Sexual harassment policies Sexual harassment is any unwanted form of sexual behaviours, verbal or

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