Thursday, November 21, 2019

Pr 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Pr 3 - Essay Example Although all the above qualities are desired in a school leader, I believe it is not fair to expect one person to be good at so many aspects of work. This is the reason why â€Å"shared leadership† seems to be an effective idea to me. In shared leadership, the leader passes around the command to the team according to the demand of the job. This is according to Burns theory of Transformational Leadership, which he defined as the â€Å"ability to empower others â€Å".In other areas as well, it is known that after a limit, benefits like salary hike do not motivate the employees any more. The trick beyond that limit is to give them decision making power. The same is true in education as well. An effective school leader helps staff members by providing personal attention, encourages them to think out of the box and shows trust in them by making them a part of important decision making. Another theory that seems to be very appealing to me especially in education is the Servant Leader theory. Educational institutions in our world are generally seen as institutions made to serve the community. Although education is big business nowadays, still people like to think of it as a place which is not for profit but for the welfare of students. In countries like India, schools are considered sacred just like a place of worship. Keeping in mind this mindset of the society, servant leaders are very suitable for schools. These leaders want to serve first, and in the process of serving, they acquire the wisdom, skills and authority of a leader. They are caring, helpful and sensitive to the needs of both the teachers and students of their school and work towards their success by doing constant labor themselves. The leader that has had a major impact on me can be considered as belonging to the servant leader class. Just as the theory describes, this leader was not the principal or top official of the school but was at the center of the

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